Friday 3 June 2011

I just want a ticket to the football 2

So I wait another 20 minutes on the phone to the ticket company.  Then they say none of my clubs' barcodes are working  - they'll try to sort out the problem and get back to me.  To my amazement they do get back to me - but this guy says I do not have reciprocal rights to this venue with my club - I tell him I do!  He says no!  He tells me that this club (names a different club, in another state, 1000km away) does not have reciprocal rights with this stadium.... I say "but I don't belong to that club".  He then says suspiciously then why do I have this bar code?  So I repeat the barcode that I had previously given last time I rang and spoke to one of his colleagues... "hey that's not the number you gave me!" Um, yes it is!... well it still doesn't allow you access - yes it does... no it doesn't.... Ok we will ring you back.

Surprisingly an hour later there is a text telling me to call the ticket company.... after 30 minutes another (this is the 4th person I've dealt with from this company today)... "How can I help you?"... no, problem - in three minutes, game booked!

Moral of the story... people working in call centres and utilities have no f'ing idea!

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